Friday, February 4, 2011

The Helmet

The 2 pictures on the top are the before pictures.  You can see that his head is not symmetrical.

William got his helmet yesterday.  As soon as Richard, the technician, walked in the door holding it, William started crying.  I felt terrible.  The whole measuring process was quick but not too much fun.  But I'm so proud because William did awesome.  Today, he has to wear it 2 hours on, 1 hour off but not during naps or during the night.  It's not until Saturday night that he will have to wear it all night long.  So keep us in your prayers that he will have become accustomed to the helmet by then.  Thank you for all your prayers yesterday, I know that is why it went so well. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mother's Morning out

Yesterday was William's first time to go to Mother's Morning Out at God's Little Garden and he did great!!!  And so did I.  No tears from either one of us.  I got a lot of things done that I can't do when William is home.  I steam cleaned the couches and rugs and started a small kitchen fire.  But I put it out quickly and now I have a mess to clean up.  However, we will start doing doing MMO at least once a week.  It's very good for the both of us.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 months old

Yesterday, William turned 7 months old.  Wow, it has flown by!  He is doing great and is a happy, drooling little boy.  I am making his baby food, all but his proteins.  He had carrots yesterday for the first time and LOVED them.  He is now rollling from his back to his tummy on both sides.  I was so excited that he did it, but it makes a diaper change a little more difficult.  I love getting to watch him grow and learn new things everyday.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Helmet

Looks like William will have to wear a helmet. After thinking long and hard about this, I realize that we are blessed. Things could be much worse. So what if he has to wear a helmet for 4 months. At least he is a healthy, happy baby. We go in on Feb. 3rd to have it sized. I am so happy that my sweet momma is flying here to be with me during this time. They say that it can be difficult, the child adjusting. But we made it through months of physical therapy and we will get through this as well. I hope everyone is as excited about the weekend as William and I are. Have a great one! God bless!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So the snow is finally melting and we are getting back to life as normal. I promise Will grows bigger everyday! At his last check up on the 5th, he weighed 18 lbs 3 oz. & is 27 inches long. He is also sitting up totally on his own. Tomorrow, we are going to the specialist to see if we need to get him in a helmet. I am afraid that we will have to but we will see. Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day #3

Now, after 2 days of being in the house and unable to go anywhere, we are ready for it to melt.  I cleaned the entire house yesterday which was nice.  But now I am getting a serious case of cabin fever. 

Snow- January 2011

We were soooo excited that snow was in the forecast.  We had fun building our little snowmen and playing in the snow.  Well, Todd and I did.  As you can see, Will could have cared less about any of it.